Training program in the use of educational technology for special education teachers




Educational technology, Training program, Special education, teachers


The present study was located in the positivist paradigm under the quantitative approach, and its purpose was to develop a Training Program in the Use of Educational Technology for Special Education Teachers of the Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University - Institute for Professional Improvement of Teaching (UPEL). –IMPM) Guanare Headquarters. It was inserted in the modality of a feasible project, supported by a descriptive field investigation. It was developed in four (IV) phases: Phase I, Diagnostic, where one (1) questionnaire survey with a Likert-type frequency scale was applied to all seven (7) Special Education teachers of the academic period 2023– II, which constituted a finite population. It was validated by the judgment of three (3) experts and Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was calculated, which gave a result of 0.87. The data were analyzed through frequency and percentage distribution. Phase II, constituted the methodological procedures for the analysis regarding the viability of the proposal, in which the market, technical and financial study was carried out. Phase III, was the approach of the proposal, objectives, rationale and presentation of the same, and finally, Phase IV, constituted the execution of the proposal. Once each of these phases had been completed, the need arose to implement the training program that would provide teachers with new teaching techniques, strategies and resources based on ICT for instruction.


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Scientific article

How to Cite

Díaz Rodríguez , A. J. . (2024). Training program in the use of educational technology for special education teachers. Pedagogical Constellations, 3(2), 158-176.