Higher education and the sociocritical model in health sciences





Sociocritical pedagogy, higher education, health sciences, bibliographic review


The field of health sciences, like other disciplines, faces the challenge of preparing professionals capable of critically and reflectively addressing current issues. This article explores the impact of the sociocritical model in higher education, emphasizing its capacity to foster critical thinking, professional ethics, and social commitment. Through a systematic review of scientific literature, this study analyzes how this approach integrates interdisciplinary knowledge and promotes the holistic development of students. Grounded in theoretical paradigms such as the Frankfurt School and the proposals of Latin American thinkers, the sociocritical model positions itself as an alternative to overcome the limitations of traditional approaches, highlighting the importance of equity and the social determinants of health. The findings show that this pedagogical approach not only transforms teaching practices but also drives future professionals to act as agents of change in their communities, contributing to social and environmental well-being. In conclusion, the sociocritical model emerges as an essential tool to reconfigure health sciences education, aligning it with the demands of an increasingly complex global environment in search of sustainable and equitable solutions.



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How to Cite

Sánchez Riveros, Ángel, Echeverria, R. ., Candia, M. ., & Quintana, U. . (2024). Higher education and the sociocritical model in health sciences. Pedagogical Constellations, 3(2), 77-100. https://doi.org/10.69821/constellations.v3i2.53