Student perception about the competencies acquired through active learning




activity learning, skills, education, university students, empirical research


The Academic Body of Engineering and Systems (InySis) seeks to expand the research capabilities and scientific productivity of university students who are studying the second and third semester of Computer Engineering and Computer Engineering respectively by applying the active learning methodology through the Getting Started colloquium in Research: Proactive University Students (CIIEUPA). Given this context, the objective of this work arises, which is to know the skills acquired by the students participating in the colloquium, which in turn is applied as an active learning methodology and is part of the evaluation criteria of the learning units. Method: The study was developed with a qualitative and descriptive nature, through observations and interviews. Results: The empirical results have shown that a significant impact was had on the academic performance of the students and on the perceived learning experience, in conclusion The CIIEUPA was essentially very positive: the students felt involved in the construction of learning and teaching paths, to those who helped with their shared knowledge. Teamwork, as well as the in-person public presentation of the final work, have helped reinforce their selfesteem, their sense of belonging to a learning community, and their positive disposition towards the discipline


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Author Biography

  • Carmen Nolasco Salcedo, University of Guadalajara

    Profesor, investigador Titular B, adscrito al Departamento de ciencias Básicas en el Centro Universitario de la Ciénega, Universidad de Guadalajara. Doctorado en Educación por parte de la Universidad Santander en Tamaulipas y la maestría con especialidad de Programación por parte Universidad central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas, Cuba. En el campo de la Programación, ha trabajado en proyectos tales como Sistema de Control de Usuarios del Centro de Computo (SisCUC) y Sistema de Olimpiadas del Saber (SIOS). Catedrática de Ingeniería de Software, Seminario de solución de Problemas de Ingeniería de Software.  Trabaja en la línea de investigación: Integración de metodologías innovadoras con pertinencia cultural y sus efectos en el proceso educativo.


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Scientific article

How to Cite

Nolasco Salcedo, C., Alfaro Castellanos, K. ., Carranza Sahagún, D. ., & Ávila Paz, J. . (2024). Student perception about the competencies acquired through active learning. Pedagogical Constellations, 3(2), 101-114.