La educación transformadora en Venezuela: el buen vivir y la gobernanza basada en saberes territoriales




Worldview, transformative education, interculturality, governance, quality education


This research examines educational debates in Venezuela that focus on the principles of "Buen Vivir" and territorial knowledge. Its main objective is to assess the role of this knowledge within the evolving structure of Venezuelan education, particularly in the context of educational quality. A phenomenological and holistic methodology was employed, covering various levels and modalities of the Venezuelan educational system. The focus was placed on teacher training as a key factor in promoting social transformation within education, drawing on data from the LLECE (UNESCO, 2021). The findings of the study highlight the need for deep reflection to drive educational strategies that recognize metabolism as a fundamental element in shaping the relationship between society and nature. This is integrated into educational transformation processes through an anthropological perspective, underscoring the critical role of schools and the scale of their outcomes. The conclusions indicate that the current state of educational quality has led to feelings of sadness among children, signaling the need for a transformation in youth education. It is essential to recognize the community and territory as vital agents in educational transformation, given their enduring presence and influence in daily life. Teacher training must evolve to ensure a deeper and more meaningful connection with local knowledge, promoting an education that genuinely reflects the cultural and territorial realities of the students


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Author Biography

  • Nelson Herrera Blanco, Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela, Venezuela

    Docente investigador adscrito al Centro de Estudio Sociales y Culturales; Centro de Estudio de Educación Emancipadora y Pedagogía Crítica (CEPEC), Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela, Venezuela, actualmente asesor metodológico y Docente del Instituto de Altos Estudios Diplomáticos Pedro Gual de Venezuela. 


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Scientific article

How to Cite

Herrera Blanco, N. . (2024). La educación transformadora en Venezuela: el buen vivir y la gobernanza basada en saberes territoriales. Pedagogical Constellations, 3(2), 27-39.