Bullying Cases Among Students of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences in Pilar





Bullying, diagnosis, students, higher education, cyberbullying


This descriptive, non-experimental study addresses the phenomenon of bullying at the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences in Pilar during the year 2023, aiming to describe its characteristics, manifestations, and contexts of occurrence. Through surveys and interviews with students, professors, and administrative staff, different forms of bullying, such as cyberbullying, verbal aggression, and social exclusion, were identified. The results reveal that a large portion of students have either been victims or witnesses of bullying, with a significant prevalence of online aggression. Additionally, the study shows that both the physical and virtual environments of the faculty serve as spaces where these behaviors manifest, suggesting the need for more effective preventive policies. Although most respondents did not report a significant impact on their emotional or academic well-being, an important percentage indicated they were negatively affected. These findings highlight the importance of implementing comprehensive preventive measures and support for victims, as well as improving the perception of institutional actions against bullying. The study concludes that bullying in the university context is an issue that requires greater attention and strong institutional strategies to ensure a safer and more equitable academic environment


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How to Cite

Verdún González, C. A., & Dávalos Torres, G. D. P. . (2024). Bullying Cases Among Students of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences in Pilar. Pedagogical Constellations, 3(2), 10-26. https://doi.org/10.69821/constellations.vi.43