Bullying prevention strategies in a Primary Juan Pablo II in the City of Pilar





bullying, prevention, educational institution, strategies, school culture


The objective of this study is to investigate the bullying prevention strategies implemented in a primary Juan Pablo II  city in Pilar. Using a mixed methodological approach, semi-structured interviews and participatory observations were combined to obtain a holistic understanding of the phenomenon and preventive practices. The results revealed that 75% of respondents are familiar with the prevention strategies, and 68.8% have participated in awareness or training programs. Specific policies were identified as the most effective strategy by 62.5% of respondents, while 31.3% valued a combined approach with the promotion of values. Additionally, 75% perceived the school climate as positive and safe. However, challenges remain in staff training and the incidence of bullying, with 37.5% of respondents reporting having witnessed bullying on multiple occasions. Student participation in prevention was considered essential by all respondents, highlighting their role as key agents of change.


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Scientific article

How to Cite

Espinoza Vera, G. S., & Salcedo Prieto, J. E. (2024). Bullying prevention strategies in a Primary Juan Pablo II in the City of Pilar. Pedagogical Constellations, 3(1), 165-178. https://doi.org/10.69821/constellations.v3i1.35