Teacher Researcher: a Praxis of Continuous Research Training for the Strengthening of University Education



The research training of university teachers is an unfinished process, therefore, continuous preparation is expected from the educator himself. The University is for society the center of knowledge production in favor of economic, political and social progress among others, to achieve a high quality education, universities need to strengthen the capabilities of research teachers by offering opportunities for reflection and research training. Based on ethical thinking and an integrative approach to education, teachers are the ones who transmit the nuances of the harmonious interaction between science, disciplines, technology and productivity, and the socio-cultural context. The task of university faculty, training and education, requires pedagogical discourse as a means of producing knowledge and forming people, citizens and professionals. Teachers provide students with the tools they need to know, interpret and understand the complex local, national and global realities, allowing them to reflect, critically intervene and participate in the processes of social change that leads to improving the quality of life of men and women in the educational environment. However, university teachers in their research activities show an activity detached from the areas of social demand, when doing research, they seek to obtain scientific achievements, obviating the reason for which they do research.


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Scientific article

How to Cite

Morón Desantiago, D. O. . (2024). Teacher Researcher: a Praxis of Continuous Research Training for the Strengthening of University Education. Pedagogical Constellations, 3(1), 23-35. http://pedagogicalconstellations.com/index.php/home/article/view/23