The municipal administration and management academic tutor: from a current ethical perspective



The academic tutor makes up the company of a researcher in the creation of knowledge, committed to his role as guide and competent adviser, given the challenge offered by the investigative autonomy of a changing and overwhelming reality, the purpose of the article is to make visible the academic tutor of municipal administration and management from a current ethical perspective. The houses of studies have instruments that guide the action of the academic tutor, it is important to highlight that these universities constantly work to adapt to the unstoppable changes of globalization. The paradigm used was the sociocritical one with the phenomenology method supported by hermeneutics, the setting was the Experimental University of the Armed Forces, Aroa extension, intentionally applying a deep interview and observation to three key informants, they gave testimonies, germinating the competence category. , where the university exhorts the tutor to be critical and reflective and to hydrate knowledge; the ethical category, affirms that seeking excellence indicates a persistent journey for progress. As for the conclusions, promote unpublished research, help to respond to the demands of society, unlearn to relearn, accept changes, nurture knowledge for research promotion.


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Scientific article

How to Cite

Ramírez Rodríguez, S. Y. . (2024). The municipal administration and management academic tutor: from a current ethical perspective. Pedagogical Constellations, 3(1), 10-22.